miércoles, 27 de febrero de 2013

La formación psicológica de los juristas.

                    ¨La formación psicológica de los juristas: una asignatura pendiente

Lluis MUÑOZ SABATÉ, Presidente del Instituto de Probática y Derecho Probatorio de la 

Facultad de Derecho de ESADE (Universidad Ramón Llull de Barcelona)
Aún dicho de una manera hiperbólica, si el derecho es una forma de control de la conducta, cosa que no cabe poner en duda, el derecho no dejará, pues, de ser sino un capítulo o apartado de la psicología.
 No hay nada más alarmante que apercibirse de la escasa trabazón interdisciplinaria entre ambas disciplinas
Está todavía por hacerse realidad la definición que diera Mira y López de la psicología jurídica como una
psicología aplicada al mejor ejercicio del derecho.¨
Ver más en:   http://diariolaley.laley.es

martes, 19 de febrero de 2013

Convocatoria del I Concurso de Divulgación Científica en Ciencias Cognitivas


Convocatoria del I Concurso de Divulgación Científica en Ciencias Cognitivas
Ciencia Cognitiva y Red Temática de Ciencia Cognitiva (RETECOG)
Tipo de artículo: Noticias.
Disciplinas: Antropología, Arqueología, Ciencias de la Documentación, Filosofía, Inteligencia Artificial,
Lingüística, Neurociencia, Psicología, Psiquiatría, Sociología.

Etiquetas: concurso de divulgación científica.
La revista Ciencia Cognitiva, con el patrocinio de la Red Temática de Ciencias Cognitivas española
(RETECOG), convoca el I Concurso de Divulgación Científica en Ciencias Cognitivas. En esta noticia se
presentan las bases por las que se regirá este concurso.

Ciencia Cognitiva, con el patrocinio de la Red Temática de Ciencia Cognitiva (RETECOG,
http://retecog.net), convoca el I Concurso de Divulgación Científica en Ciencias Cognitivas. Esta
iniciativa pretende fomentar la divulgación de la investigación de primera línea en cualesquiera de las
ciencias cognitivas entre el público hispanoparlante.

Las bases que regirán este concurso son las siguientes:

1.- El plazo de presentación de trabajos es desde la publicación de estas bases en la revista hasta el día
1 de junio de 2013.
2.- La resolución del concurso tendrá lugar a finales de septiembre de 2013.
3.- Los ensayos deberán presentarse utilizando el formulario correspondiente, descargable desde la página
web de Ciencia Cognitiva (Sección “Concurso Divulgación Científica”, http://medina-psicologia.ugr.es/
~cienciacognitiva/files/formulario-concurso.doc). Este formulario contiene campos concretos con instrucciones a las que hay que ajustarse.
4.- Los ensayos deben ajustarse a las características de temática, estilo, formato, y límites de palabras que se  aplican a los artículos de tipo Clásicos y Actualidad de Ciencia Cognitiva. Estas características están descritas en la sección “Instrucciones para autores” en la web de la revista.
5.- Los ensayos serán valorados por un jurado compuesto por miembros del consejo editorial de Ciencia
6.- Los criterios de valoración esenciales se basan en la publicabilidad del ensayo, tal cual es presentado,
como artículo en Ciencia Cognitiva, y su capacidad divulgativa (interés del tema, claridad, capacidad de
capturar y mantener la atención del lector, etc.).
7.- Los premios son los siguientes: 1) Un primer premio dotado con 400 € más diploma; 2) Dos accésit
dotados con 120 € cada uno más diploma. Además de estos premios, todos los ensayos presentados que
superen el umbral de calidad de la revista serán publicados en Ciencia Cognitiva. Esta publicación podrá
tener lugar antes de la resolución final de los premios.
8.- Los premios podrán declararse desiertos si el jurado así lo estima.
9.- El fallo del jurado será inapelable.
10.- El jurado tendrá absoluta libertad para solucionar cualquier imprevisto no contemplado en estas bases.
11.- La participación en el concurso implica la aceptación plena de estas bases.

viernes, 15 de febrero de 2013

Dr. António De Castro Caeiro-TV

¨O Que Fica Do Que Passa T4 :: Promo Ep.20
DESCRIÇÃO - Auto-promo do programa "O Que Fica Do Que Passa". Sexta-feira, às 23h30 (com repetição ao Sábado e Domingo). Com Clara Ferreira Alves, Luís Gouveia Monteiro e Rui Ramos.¨


Dra. Mª Ballester

Profesora Dra Maria Ballester
 Llicenciada en Dret per la Universitat de les Illes Balears (1991) i Doctora en Dret Públic (2003).

 Professora de Dret Constitucional de la UIB desde 1993.
 Ha impartit docència teòrica i pràctica de les assignatures Dret Constitucional I i Dret
Constitucional II. Ha participat com a docent en diversos cursos i tallers i ha impartit cursos de
Doctorat en el Programa de Tercer Cicle del Departament de Dret Públic.

 És autora de dues monografies i de diversos articles publicats en revistes especialitzades.                          Va obtenir el “Premi extraordinari de doctorat del Departament de Dret Públic 2003” i el “Premio Rafael Martínez
Emperador 2006”.


jueves, 14 de febrero de 2013

American philosopher and legal scholar Ronald Dworkin dies in London aged 81

¨New York University, Leo Sorel/Associated Press - This is an undated file photo of Ronald Dworkin provided by New York University. Dworkin, the American philosopher and constitutional law expert best known for articulating the principle that the most important virtue the law can display is integrity, has died. His family said Dworkin died of leukemia in London early Thursday, Feb. 14, 2013. He was 81.

LONDON — American philosopher and constitutional law expert Ronald Dworkin , best known for articulating the principle that the most important virtue the law can display is integrity, has died. He was 81.
His family said Dworkin died of leukemia in London early Thursday.
Dworkin was a professor of law at New York University and emeritus professor at University College London.
He was one of the best known and most quoted legal scholars in the United States and also an expert on British law.
NYU Law School Dean Richard Revesz said Dworkin was “not only an intellectual giant, but also a masterful teacher, admired colleague and beloved friend.” He called Dworkin the most important legal philosopher of his generation.
“He will be dearly missed by those of us who were lucky enough to know him and by the countless people who followed and admired his work,” Revesz said.
Dworkin articulated the moral idea that the state should act on principle so each member of the community is treated as an equal.
A frequent contributor to the New York Review of Books, Dworkin’s books included “A Matter of Principle,” ‘’Law’s Empire,” and “Justice for Hedgehogs.”
He graduated from Harvard Law School in 1957 and was a Rhodes Scholar at Oxford, England.
He is survived by his wife Irene Brendel Dworkin, his children Anthony and Jennifer Dworkin and two grandchildren.¨


martes, 12 de febrero de 2013

RECOMMENDED BOOK: The Oxford Handbook of Criminology

"In addition to the history of the discipline and reviews of different theoretical perspectives, this book provides reviews of diverse topics as the criminal justice process, race and gender, crime statistics, and the media and crime. It is suitable for the teachers and students of criminology and is a sourcebook for professionals."
 Edited by Mike MaguireRod MorganRobert Reiner

lunes, 11 de febrero de 2013


¨Ian Robertson will talk about his new book The Winner Effect, followed by a book signing afterward (we'll have copies for sale in our shop and on the night).
The Winner Effect investigates what makes a winner, why some succeed in life and business, whereas others fail, and why few individuals become supremely powerful, while many remain powerless. Through scientific and psychological analysis, Ian Robertson shows how success affects the inner workings of the brain and explores the implications for this on individuals – in business, on the public stage and in family life.
‘The winner effect' is a term used in biology to describe how an animal that has won a few fights against weak opponents is much more likely to win later bouts against stronger contenders. As Ian Robertson reveals, it applies to humans, too: achievement changes the chemistry of the brain making people more focused, smarter, more confident and more aggressive. The effect is as strong as a drug, and the more an individual wins, the more they will go on to win. In fact, winning can become physically addictive.
By understanding what the mental and physical changes are that take place in the brain of a 'winner', how they happen, and why they affect some people more than others, Ian Robertsonshows why some people attain and handle success better than others. He explains what makes a winner – and a loser – and how knowing this can help to understand better the behaviour of one’s colleagues, employees, family, and friends. 
For those interested in the rise to pre-eminence of figures like Steve Jobs and Mark Zuckerberg,The Winner Effect is invaluable. At a time when entrepreneurship is so fascinating to many, the book sheds new light on the physiological and psychological causes for rising to the top. For readers interested in science, education, business, politics and psychology this is a definitive book for a ‘go-getting’ age. 
Newsworthy angles presented by Ian Robertson include the conclusion that had there been more women in boardrooms, it might have prevented risk-taking, such as that which occurred at corporations like Enron. Individual case studies featured in the book include: Picasso, Caravaggio,Tony Blair, Bill ClintonFrank BrunoMike Tyson, Enron, Fred GoodwinGeorge W. Bush andBarack Obama
About Ian Robertson
¨A neuroscientist and trained clinical psychologist, Ian Robertson is an international expert on neuropsychology. He is currently Professor of Psychology at Trinity College Dublin, and formerly Fellow of Hughes HallCambridge. Ian holds visiting professorships at the University of Toronto,University College London, and the University of Wales. Ian is a member of the Royal Irish Academy and has published over 250 scientific articles in leading journals. He is also author and editor of ten scientific books, including the leading international textbook on cognitive rehabilitation (Cognitive Neurorehabilitation), and three books for the general reader (Mind Sculpture: Unleashing Your Brain’s PotentialThe Mind’s Eye: The Essential Guide to Boosting Your Mental; Emotional and Physical Powers, and Stay Sharp with the Mind Doctor: Practical Strategies to Boost Your Brain Power). Ian is a regular keynote speaker at conferences on brain function throughout the world.¨

domingo, 10 de febrero de 2013

Dr. Ian Robertson - The Winner Effect.

Dr Ian Robertson

¨The Winner Effect investigates what makes a winner, why some succeed in life and business, whereas others fail, and why few individuals become supremely powerful, while many remain powerless. Through scientific and psychological analysis, Ian Robertson shows how success affects the inner workings of the brain and explores the implications for this on individuals – in business, on the public stage and in family life.¨
