Universitat de les Illes Balears
Edificio Guillem Cifre
Carr. Valldemossa 7,5 Km
07122, Palma de Mallorca, Spain
+(34) 67-7188967

Universitat de les Illes Balears, Palma de Mallorca, Spain
PhD, Summa
Cum Laude, 2012. Human Evolution and Cognition
General Examination
Field: Experimental Cognitive Psychology
Dissertation: ’Effects of the time course of negative affective
priming on moral judgment: the shorter the SOA, the lesser the severity’
Thesis directors: Dr. Camilo
Jose Cela-Conde/Dr. Jaume Rosselló Mir
Universitat de les Illes Balears, Palma de Mallorca, Spain
Master of Science, 2012. Human Evolution and
General Examination Field: Experimental Cognitive Psychology
Academic file average qualification: 9,20
University of Applied Sciences - UPC, Lima ,
Laureate International
Universities Member
Honours Degree, Magna Cum Laude, 2007. Communication
Science with major in Advertising
Dissertation: Memetics as basis for the development
of a successful selling line"
Doctoral National
Research and Academic Award
of Economy
and Competitiveness, Spain , 2011-2012
Grant for
twelve months of Dissertation Research in USA
of Science and Innovation, Spain , 2010
Advisor: Dr. Jonathan Haidt, University of Virginia
Pre-doctoral National Scholarship for Training of Researchers and Academics
of Education and Culture, Spain, 2008-2009
Human Cognition and
Evolution Research Group (EVOCOG), Palma de Mallorca , Spain
Doctoral Fellow at Cognitive Psychology Lab. with
Dr. Jaume Rosselló Mir, 2008 -
Line: Cognitive
Psychology, Moral Psychology, Emotion, Persuasion
Project: Effects of suboptimal affective priming on
moral judgment
Design and run a systematic
experimental program with more than 350 participants.
Pilot Study: tested dilemmas’
scoring without priming.
Study 1: tested whether contextual disgust induced
through affective priming exerts a domain-specific a influence in moral
Study 2: manipulated
the SOA´s of our prime to test whether a superquick
time of exposure and a quick time of
exposure influence the effect of the disgusting induction in a different
Study 3: tested
if moral dilemmas differ from non moral dilemmas in the dimensions of valence
and activation.
tested the way different affective primes (disgust and fear/horror pictures),
previously matched in valence and arousal, modify participants’ moral judgments.
Doctoral Fellow, Social Psychology at Dr. Jonathan Haidt Laboratory, Jan to
Dec 2010
Line: Cognitive
Psychology, Moral Psychology, Emotion, Persuasion.
Project: A possible distinction among the nature of disgusting responses toward “sex-disgust” items.
Project: A possible distinction among the nature of disgusting responses toward “sex-disgust” items.
Laboratory rotation project and on-line surveys:
the validity of sex disgust as a single disgust domain.
Test how
AR (creatureliness prime) influences disgust ratings toward a selected set of
sex disgust items.
Demonstrate a
"double dissociation": that AR raises some but not other items,
whereas manipulation X raises the ones that didn't go up for AR, but not the
ones that did (e.g., a
Affective priming
Direct RT
Faculty of Psychology, Fall 2012
“Motivation and Emotion”.
Condition: Staff Full-time. First cycle teaching
Book Publications
Olivera La Rosa, A. & Rosselló Mir, J.
(2012) Shocking moral judgments. LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing. ISBN: 978-3-659-28695-7
Olivera La Rosa, A., Rosselló Mir, J.,
Caamaño Barreiro, B. & Munar Roca, E. (2012). Suboptimal affective priming by disgust and
horror pictures reduces the severity of moral judgments. In: Aportaciones recientes al estudio de la motivación y las
emociones (pp. 110-115). SEVILLA (SPAIN): Fénix Editora. ISBN: 978-84-940056-0-2
Olivera La Rosa, A., Rosselló Mir, J.,
Caamaño Barreiro, B., Munar Roca, E. & Caamaño Barreiro, B. (2012). Effects of the time course
of disgust priming in the severity of moral judgments: less severity at the
shortest SOA. In: Aportaciones recientes al
estudio de la motivación y las emociones (92-97). SEVILLA (SPAIN ): Fénix Editora. ISBN: 978-84-940056-0-2
Olivera La Rosa, A. & Rosselló Mir, J. (in
press). On the relationship between disgust and morality: a critical review. Psicothema
Olivera La Rosa A, Rosselló Mir J and Munar
Roca E (2011). Contextual disgust induced through affective priming influences
moral judgments by making them less severe. Front. Hum. Neurosci. Conference
Abstract: XI International Conference on Cognitive Neuroscience (ICON XI). doi:
Nadal, M.,
Barceló-Coblijn, L., Olivera, A., Christensen,
J.F., Rincón-Ruíz, C., Cela-Conde, C. (2009).
Cela-Conde, C.J., Burges, L., Nadal, M. & Olivera, A. (2009). Altruism and fairness: Unnatural selection? Journal: 912694 - Comptes Rendus
Palevol. In Paleontology: 26 de 41. FRANCE . ISSN: 1631-0683
Nadal, M.; Flexas, A.; Christensen, J.F.; Barceló-Coblijn, Ll.; Olivera, A.; Bustos, P; Rosselló Mir,
J. (2009). L’evolució de l’ésser humà. Journal: 202622 - Pissarra. Revista
d’ensenyament de les Illes.
Pages 16-20. SPAIN
Olivera La Rosa, A., Rossello-Mir, J., Munar,
E. & Galvez, A. (2012). Priming by Disgust Pictures Reduces the Severity of
Moral judgments. Poster WPA Convention Presentation Notification Western
Psychological Association (WPA) 2012 Convention. San Francisco , USA
Olivera La Rosa, A.; Rosselló Mir, J.;
Caamaño Barreiro, B.; Munar Roca, E. (2012). Suboptimal Affective Priming by
Disgust and Horror Pictures Reduces the Severity of Moral Judgements
Presentation of a paper VII
Simposio Internacional de la Asociación de Motivación y Emoción (AME). Cádiz,
Rosselló Mir, J., Olivera La Rosa, A., Gálvez Pol, A.
& Homar Covas, C. (2012). Reaction time to discriminate facial expressions after
anger and sadness induction depends on the congruence
of the approach-withdrawal dimension. Poster
VII Simposio Internacional de la Asociación de Motivación y Emoción (AME).
Cádiz, SPAIN
Olivera La Rosa, A., Rosselló Mir, J.
& Munar Roca, E. (2011). Contextual disgust induced through affective priming
influences moral judgments by making them less severe. Poster XI International
Conference on Cognitive Neuroscience (ICON XI). Palma de Mallorca , SPAIN .
Nadal, M.; Christensen, J.F., Gut, N.K., Olivera, A. & Barceló-Coblijn, L. (2009). Empathy: empathic and
antipathic emotion induction - A new experimental paradigm. Poster 117th
Convention of the American Psychological Association. Toronto , CANADA
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